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SnCu/SnCuX Solder Paste

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Features and Advantages

Technical Feature

Soldering & Curing Process

Package and storage

FTP-017 series solder paste is a high-quality solder paste prepared by SnCuX solder powder with good sphericity,  uniform particle size, low oxygen content and excellent halogen-free flux. It has good adhesion before soldering, less  solvent evaporation during soldering, after soldering. No solder ball, has good wetting effect, less residue and good  collapsing performance. It is an ideal soldering material for micro-bump narrow-pitch packaging.

Recovery method: don't open the bottle cap until the solder is close to room temperature, No more than two  times of temperature return.

Recovery time: Generally, paste should be removed from refrigeration 2 ~3 hours before use. Actual time to  reach thermal equilibrium will vary with container size.

Note: without enough "recovery", DO NOT open the bottle caps. DO NOT try to heat the paste to lower  recovery time.

Using environment: The best temperature for using the solder paste is 20 to 25 ℃, relative humidity 40-60%  RH. Suggestions reflow soldering under nitrogen protection.

Note !

The following information is provided for users' reference only. Users should know clearly before using it.For details,  please refer to the material safety data sheet (MSDS) of this product.

This product does not contain specific chemical substances that are regulated, nor does it contain organic solvents that are  regulated in the Organic Solvent Toxicity Prevention Regulations. However, necessary precautions must be taken to ensure  human health and safety. For products containing lead, the operation should be carried out in accordance with the Labor  Safety and Health Act and lead poisoning prevention rules.

Solder paste is a chemical product that is mixed with a variety of chemical ingredients. should remember to avoid close  smell of its smell, not to be edible.

In the welding process, part of the smoke generated by the flux in the solder paste will stimulate the respiratory system of  the human body, which may cause discomfort if exposed to the exhaust gas for a long time or repeatedly. Therefore, it is  necessary to ensure good ventilation in the operation site.

Necessary precautions should be taken to prevent the paste from touching the skin and eyes. In case of contact with the  skin inadvertently, the place should be immediately cleaned with an alcoholic cloth, and then thoroughly cleaned with soap  and water. If the tin paste contact the eyes carelessly, it shall be immediately washed with water for more than 10 minutes  and sent to the hospital as soon as possible.

No eating or smoking is allowed in the course of homework. After homework, you must wash your hands with soap or  warm water before eating.

Although the solvent system of this product has a very high flash point, it is still flammable and should be avoided. If you  accidentally catch fire, use carbon dioxide or chemical dry powder fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire. Do not use water to extinguish the fire.

The waste solder paste and the cleaning cloth with solder adhesive stains after cleaning shall not be discarded at will. It  shall be put into a sealed container and disposed of in accordance with relevant national and local regulations.

1. SnCuX without silver alloy, bright solder joint, no silver migration;

2. Using narrow-distribution ultra-fine solder powder, good stability of soldering;

3. Good thixotropy, Appropriate viscosity,  can be used to spray print, transfer, point glue needle, printing, etc;

4. Good chemical activity, no solder ball, good wetting;

5. Simple operation, able to choose from reflow oven, heating plate, oven.

  1. Before reflow


2.After curing


Reflow oven: Heat cure according to the reflow curve as shown below.

The below graph shows our recommended hot nitrogen reflow soldering process temperature curve. It can be used  as a reflow furnace temperature setting. The temperature curve can effectively reduce the vertical flow of the solder  paste and the forming of solder balls. For the vast majority of products and process conditions this is suitable.  Furnace temperature would vary for different type and different components.



  1. The above temperature curve refers to the actual temperature of the solder joint position rather than the  welding furnace heating temperature during setting (different);

  2. The temperature curve are for reference only. It can be used as the user to find the basis of the optimal curve of  different process application. Actual temperature setting should be combined with the product properties, stent  size, chip distribution, characteristics, equipment and process condition factors. Sample tests should be done in  advance to ensure the curve is optimized;

  3. This series of solder paste can be used in addition to the above "heat - insulation" type heating mode. It can  also be used in "warmed" type heating mode;

  4. Reflow shall be carried out in N 2 atmosphere ( O 2 < 1000 ppm. or less).

  1.  Package

    Printing : 500g/bottle, wide-mouth plastic (PE) bottle, sealed with inner lid and packaged in foam box.

    Dispensing: The dispensing syringes are packed in 10g/5cc, 10g/10cc, 20g/10cc according to customer's  requirements. They are packed in ice bags, foam boxes and cartons during transportation.

  2. Transport storage

    Transport : Ice pack refrigerated transportation.

    Storage:It should be stored in the refrigerator as soon as possible after receipt. The recommended storage  temperature is 0~10 °C. If the temperature is too high, it will shorten its service life and affect its  characteristics.

    Shelf life:4~6 months under normal sealed storage conditions of 0~10 ℃.

    Work time: Used within 24 hours after returning to temperature.


Features and Advantages

Technical Feature

Soldering & Curing Process

Package and storage

FTD-017 series solder paste is a high-quality solder paste prepared by SnCuX solder powder with good sphericity,  uniform particle size, low oxygen content and excellent halogen-free flux. It has good adhesion before soldering, less  solvent evaporation during soldering, after soldering. No solder ball, has good wetting effect, less residue and good  collapsing performance. It is an ideal soldering material for micro-bump narrow-pitch packaging.

Recovery method: don't open the bottle cap until the solder is close to room temperature, No more than two  times of temperature return.

Recovery time: Generally, paste should be removed from refrigeration 2 ~3 hours before use. Actual time to  reach thermal equilibrium will vary with container size.

Note: without enough "recovery", DO NOT open the bottle caps. DO NOT try to heat the paste to lower  recovery time.

Using environment: The best temperature for using the solder paste is 20 to 25 ℃, relative humidity 40-60%  RH. Suggestions reflow soldering under nitrogen protection.

Note !

The following information is provided for users' reference only. Users should know clearly before using it.For details,  please refer to the material safety data sheet (MSDS) of this product.

This product does not contain specific chemical substances that are regulated, nor does it contain organic solvents that are  regulated in the Organic Solvent Toxicity Prevention Regulations. However, necessary precautions must be taken to ensure  human health and safety. For products containing lead, the operation should be carried out in accordance with the Labor  Safety and Health Act and lead poisoning prevention rules.

Solder paste is a chemical product that is mixed with a variety of chemical ingredients. should remember to avoid close  smell of its smell, not to be edible.

In the welding process, part of the smoke generated by the flux in the solder paste will stimulate the respiratory system of  the human body, which may cause discomfort if exposed to the exhaust gas for a long time or repeatedly. Therefore, it is  necessary to ensure good ventilation in the operation site.

Necessary precautions should be taken to prevent the paste from touching the skin and eyes. In case of contact with the  skin inadvertently, the place should be immediately cleaned with an alcoholic cloth, and then thoroughly cleaned with soap  and water. If the tin paste contact the eyes carelessly, it shall be immediately washed with water for more than 10 minutes  and sent to the hospital as soon as possible.

No eating or smoking is allowed in the course of homework. After homework, you must wash your hands with soap or  warm water before eating.

Although the solvent system of this product has a very high flash point, it is still flammable and should be avoided. If you  accidentally catch fire, use carbon dioxide or chemical dry powder fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire. Do not use water to extinguish the fire.

The waste solder paste and the cleaning cloth with solder adhesive stains after cleaning shall not be discarded at will. It  shall be put into a sealed container and disposed of in accordance with relevant national and local regulations.

1. SnCuX without silver alloy, bright solder joint, no silver migration;

2. Using narrow-distribution ultra-fine solder powder, good stability of soldering;

3. Good thixotropy, Appropriate viscosity,  can be used to spray print, transfer, point glue needle, printing, etc;

4. Good chemical activity, no solder ball, good wetting;

5. Simple operation, able to choose from reflow oven, heating plate, oven.

  1. Before reflow


2.After curing


Reflow oven: Heat cure according to the reflow curve as shown below.

The below graph shows our recommended hot nitrogen reflow soldering process temperature curve. It can be used  as a reflow furnace temperature setting. The temperature curve can effectively reduce the vertical flow of the solder  paste and the forming of solder balls. For the vast majority of products and process conditions this is suitable.  Furnace temperature would vary for different type and different components.



  1. The above temperature curve refers to the actual temperature of the solder joint position rather than the  welding furnace heating temperature during setting (different);

  2. The temperature curve are for reference only. It can be used as the user to find the basis of the optimal curve of  different process application. Actual temperature setting should be combined with the product properties, stent  size, chip distribution, characteristics, equipment and process condition factors. Sample tests should be done in  advance to ensure the curve is optimized;

  3. This series of solder paste can be used in addition to the above "heat - insulation" type heating mode. It can  also be used in "warmed" type heating mode;

  4. Reflow shall be carried out in N 2 atmosphere ( O 2 < 1000 ppm. or less).

  1.  Package

    Printing : 500g/bottle, wide-mouth plastic (PE) bottle, sealed with inner lid and packaged in foam box.

    Dispensing: The dispensing syringes are packed in 10g/5cc, 10g/10cc, 20g/10cc according to customer's  requirements. They are packed in ice bags, foam boxes and cartons during transportation.

  2. Transport storage

    Transport : Ice pack refrigerated transportation.

    Storage:It should be stored in the refrigerator as soon as possible after receipt. The recommended storage  temperature is 0~10 °C. If the temperature is too high, it will shorten its service life and affect its  characteristics.

    Shelf life:4~6 months under normal sealed storage conditions of 0~10 ℃.

    Work time: Used within 24 hours after returning to temperature.


Features and Advantages

Technical feature

Soldering & curing process

Package and storage

FTP-007 series solder paste is a high-quality solder paste prepared by SNCU solder powder with good  sphericity, uniform particle size, low oxygen content and excellent halogen-free flux. It has good adhesion before  soldering, less solvent evaporation during soldering, after soldering. No solder ball, has good wetting effect, less  residue and good collapsing performance. It is an ideal soldering material for micro-bump narrow-pitch packaging.

Recovery method: don't open the bottle cap until the solder is close to room temperature, No more than two  times of temperature return.

Recovery time: Generally, paste should be removed from refrigeration 2 ~3 hours before use. Actual time to  reach thermal equilibrium will vary with container size.

Note: without enough "recovery", DO NOT open the bottle caps. DO NOT try to heat the paste to lower  recovery time.

Using environment: The best temperature for using the solder paste is 20 to 25 ℃, relative humidity 40-60%  RH. Suggestions reflow soldering under nitrogen protection.

Note !

This product does not contain specific chemical substances that are regulated, nor does it contain organic solvents that are  regulated in the Organic Solvent Toxicity Prevention Regulations. However, necessary precautions must be taken to  ensure human health and safety. For products containing lead, the operation should be carried out in accordance with the  Labor Safety and Health Act and lead poisoning prevention rules.

Solder paste is a chemical product that is mixed with a variety of chemical ingredients. should remember to avoid close  smell of its smell, not to be edible. 

In the welding process, part of the smoke generated by the flux in the solder paste will stimulate the respiratory system of  the human body, which may cause discomfort if exposed to the exhaust gas for a long time or repeatedly. Therefore, it is  necessary to ensure good ventilation in the operation site. 

Necessary precautions should be taken to prevent the paste from touching the skin and eyes. In case of contact with the  skin inadvertently, the place should be immediately cleaned with an alcoholic cloth, and then thoroughly cleaned with  soap and water. If the tin paste contact the eyes carelessly, it shall be immediately washed with water for more than 10  minutes and sent to the hospital as soon as possible.

No eating or smoking is allowed in the course of homework. After homework, you must wash your hands with soap or  warm water before eating.

Although the solvent system of this product has a very high flash point, it is still flammable and should be avoided. If you  accidentally catch fire, use carbon dioxide or chemical dry powder fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire. Do not use  water to extinguish the fire.

The waste solder paste and the cleaning cloth with solder adhesive stains after cleaning shall not be discarded at will. It  shall be put into a sealed container and disposed of in accordance with relevant national and local regulations.

  1.  Using narrow-distribution ultra-fine solder powder, good stability of soldering;

  2. Good thixotropy, Appropriate viscosity,  can be used to spray print, transfer, point glue needle, printing, etc;

  3. Good chemical activity, no solder ball, good wetting;

  4. Simple operation, able to choose from reflow oven, heating plate, oven.




Reflow oven: Heat cure according to the reflow curve as shown below.

The below graph shows our recommended hot nitrogen reflow soldering process temperature curve. It can be used  as a reflow furnace temperature setting. The temperature curve can effectively reduce the vertical flow of the solder  paste and the forming of solder balls. For the vast majority of products and process conditions this is suitable.  Furnace temperature would vary for different type and different components.



  1. The above temperature curve refers to the actual temperature of the solder joint position rather than the  welding furnace heating temperature during setting (different);

  2. The temperature curve are for reference only. It can be used as the user to find the basis of the optimal curve of  different process application. Actual temperature setting should be combined with the product properties, stent  size, chip distribution, characteristics, equipment and process condition factors. Sample tests should be done in  advance to ensure the curve is optimized;

  3. This series of solder paste can be used in addition to the above "heat - insulation" type heating mode. It can  also be used in "warmed" type heating mode;

  4. Reflow shall be carried out in N 2 atmosphere ( O 2 < 1000 ppm. or less).

  1. Package

    Printing : 500g/bottle, wide-mouth plastic (PE) bottle, sealed with inner lid and packaged in foam box.

    Dispensing: The dispensing syringes are packed in 10g/5cc, 10g/10cc, 20g/10cc according to customer's  requirements. They are packed in ice bags, foam boxes and cartons during transportation.

  2. Transport storage

    Transport : Ice pack refrigerated transportation.

    Storage:It should be stored in the refrigerator as soon as possible after receipt. The recommended storage  temperature is 0~10 °C. If the temperature is too high, it will shorten its service life and affect its  characteristics.

    Shelf life:4~6 months under normal sealed storage conditions of 0~10 ℃.

    Work time: Used within 24 hours after returning to temperature.


Features and Advantages

Technical feature

Soldering & curing process

Package and storage

FTD-007 series solder paste is a high-quality solder paste prepared by SNCU solder powder with good  sphericity, uniform particle size, low oxygen content and excellent halogen-free flux. It has good adhesion before  soldering, less solvent evaporation during soldering, after soldering. No solder ball, has good wetting effect, less  residue and good collapsing performance. It is an ideal soldering material for micro-bump narrow-pitch packaging.

Recovery method: don't open the bottle cap until the solder is close to room temperature, No more than two  times of temperature return.

Recovery time: Generally, paste should be removed from refrigeration 2 ~3 hours before use. Actual time to  reach thermal equilibrium will vary with container size.

Note: without enough "recovery", DO NOT open the bottle caps. DO NOT try to heat the paste to lower  recovery time.

Using environment: The best temperature for using the solder paste is 20 to 25 ℃, relative humidity 40-60%  RH. Suggestions reflow soldering under nitrogen protection.

Note !

This product does not contain specific chemical substances that are regulated, nor does it contain organic solvents that are  regulated in the Organic Solvent Toxicity Prevention Regulations. However, necessary precautions must be taken to  ensure human health and safety. For products containing lead, the operation should be carried out in accordance with the  Labor Safety and Health Act and lead poisoning prevention rules.

Solder paste is a chemical product that is mixed with a variety of chemical ingredients. should remember to avoid close  smell of its smell, not to be edible. 

In the welding process, part of the smoke generated by the flux in the solder paste will stimulate the respiratory system of  the human body, which may cause discomfort if exposed to the exhaust gas for a long time or repeatedly. Therefore, it is  necessary to ensure good ventilation in the operation site. 

Necessary precautions should be taken to prevent the paste from touching the skin and eyes. In case of contact with the  skin inadvertently, the place should be immediately cleaned with an alcoholic cloth, and then thoroughly cleaned with  soap and water. If the tin paste contact the eyes carelessly, it shall be immediately washed with water for more than 10  minutes and sent to the hospital as soon as possible.

No eating or smoking is allowed in the course of homework. After homework, you must wash your hands with soap or  warm water before eating.

Although the solvent system of this product has a very high flash point, it is still flammable and should be avoided. If you  accidentally catch fire, use carbon dioxide or chemical dry powder fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire. Do not use  water to extinguish the fire.

The waste solder paste and the cleaning cloth with solder adhesive stains after cleaning shall not be discarded at will. It  shall be put into a sealed container and disposed of in accordance with relevant national and local regulations.

  1.  Using narrow-distribution ultra-fine solder powder, good stability of soldering;

  2. Good thixotropy, Appropriate viscosity,  can be used to spray print, transfer, point glue needle, printing, etc;

  3. Good chemical activity, no solder ball, good wetting;

  4. Simple operation, able to choose from reflow oven, heating plate, oven.




Reflow oven: Heat cure according to the reflow curve as shown below.

The below graph shows our recommended hot nitrogen reflow soldering process temperature curve. It can be used  as a reflow furnace temperature setting. The temperature curve can effectively reduce the vertical flow of the solder  paste and the forming of solder balls. For the vast majority of products and process conditions this is suitable.  Furnace temperature would vary for different type and different components.



  1. The above temperature curve refers to the actual temperature of the solder joint position rather than the  welding furnace heating temperature during setting (different);

  2. The temperature curve are for reference only. It can be used as the user to find the basis of the optimal curve of  different process application. Actual temperature setting should be combined with the product properties, stent  size, chip distribution, characteristics, equipment and process condition factors. Sample tests should be done in  advance to ensure the curve is optimized;

  3. This series of solder paste can be used in addition to the above "heat - insulation" type heating mode. It can  also be used in "warmed" type heating mode;

  4. Reflow shall be carried out in N 2 atmosphere ( O 2 < 1000 ppm. or less).

  1. Package

    Printing : 500g/bottle, wide-mouth plastic (PE) bottle, sealed with inner lid and packaged in foam box.

    Dispensing: The dispensing syringes are packed in 10g/5cc, 10g/10cc, 20g/10cc according to customer's  requirements. They are packed in ice bags, foam boxes and cartons during transportation.

  2. Transport storage

    Transport : Ice pack refrigerated transportation.

    Storage:It should be stored in the refrigerator as soon as possible after receipt. The recommended storage  temperature is 0~10 °C. If the temperature is too high, it will shorten its service life and affect its  characteristics.

    Shelf life:4~6 months under normal sealed storage conditions of 0~10 ℃.

    Work time: Used within 24 hours after returning to temperature.

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